Yambol Chamber of Commerce and Industry /YCCI/ is an organization of the entrepreneurs in the Yambol region, established in 1993. The Chamber supports, promotes, represents and protects the economic interests of its members, provides them with various services, promotes European and international integration at the regional level. YCCI has a key role in defining regional policy in the field of economy, education and trade.
The membership in YCCI is voluntary. The Chamber is autonomy and self-financing and seeks to establish ethical relationships in business field. Chamber’s main activities aim for sustainable economic growth in the region, where it operate, reduction of regulatory regimes to achieve better conditions for business in the region and the country, open for constructive dialogue with local authorities, constant contact with the companies for rendering assistance in their direct activity. The Chamber is working very effectively under projects with European funds, mainly supporting SMEs, women entrepreneruship ,NEETs, young entrepreneurship and various related initiatives.
The Membership in the Chamber is voluntary. According to the Statute of the Yambol Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the members of the Chamber are direct and associate. Direct members could be natural and legal persons carrying out economic activity, foundations, associations, individuals who cooperate with the Chamber, support and promote its work. Associate members are operating companies from Yambol region, that are registered in the commercial register of the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Entities need to submit a written application to the Management Board, accompanied by a registration form if they want to become members of the Yambol CCI.

- Information about fairs and exhibitions in the country and abroad (face-to-face, written, E-mail).
- Providing Enterprise Europe Network publications and information.
- Information about seminars and events.
- Invitations to join business delegations and prepare related documents.
- Assistance in obtaining information for the status of a foreign partner.
- Preparation and submission of reports from the Commercial Register on individual circumstances subject to registration to legal persons.
- Usage of the information services of the Enterprise Europe Network.
- Participation in round tables and discussions on issues related to the economic situation of the country and the region.
- Information on European and national programs and sources of funding.
- Information for tenders.
- Providing assistance in obtaining information on the existence and status of a foreign partner (through the assistance of a foreign Chamber).
Membership application can be found HERE.
You can send a signed and stamped application for membership to the E-mail yccibg@gmail.com or to the address of YCCI, to be presented by the Chairman of the Management Board during the next meeting of the Management Board.
The Management Board has a regular meeting once a month.
Registered members are issued a membership document approved by the Management Board.